Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Alzheimer's Disease
What is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease damages the brain . It causes a steady loss of memory and of how well you can speak, think, and carry on daily activities.
Alzheimer's disease always gets worse over time, but how quickly this happens varies. Some people lose the ability to do daily activities early on. Others may still do fairly well until much later in the disease.
Mild memory loss is common in people older than 60. It may not mean that you have Alzheimer’s disease. But if your memory is getting worse, see your doctor. If it is Alzheimer’s, treatment may help.
What causes Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer’s disease happens because of changes in the brain. These include lower levels of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) that help brain cells work properly. What causes these changes is not clear.
The risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease increases as you get older. But this does not mean that everyone will get it. By age 85, about 35 out of 100 people have some form of dementia.1 That means that 65 out of 100 don't have it. Dementia is rare before age 60.
Having a relative with Alzheimer’s raises your risk of getting it, but most people with Alzheimer's disease do not have a family history of it.
What are the symptoms?
For most people, the first symptom of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss. Often the person who has a memory problem does not notice it, but family and friends do. But the person with the disease may also know that something is wrong.
As the disease gets worse, the person may:
Have trouble making decisions.
Be confused about what time and day it is.
Get lost in places he or she knows well.
Have trouble learning and remembering new information.
Have trouble finding the right words to say what he or she wants to say.
Have more trouble doing daily tasks like cooking a meal or paying bills.
The symptoms of Alzheimer’s get worse slowly over time. A person who gets these symptoms over a few hours or days or whose symptoms suddenly get worse needs to see a doctor right away, because there may be another problem.
As people with Alzheimer’s get worse, they may get restless and wander, especially in late afternoon and at night. This is called sundowning. Over time, they may also start to act very different. They may withdraw from family and friends. They may see or hear things that are not really there. They may falsely believe that others are lying, cheating, using them, or trying to harm them. They may strike out at others.
Later, they may not be able to take care of themselves. They may not know their loved ones when they see them. They may forget how to eat, dress, bathe, use the toilet, or get up from a bed or a chair and walk.
How is Alzheimer's disease diagnosed?
To check for the disease, your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical exam. He or she may ask you to do some simple things that test your memory and other mental skills. Your doctor may also check how well you can do daily tasks.
The exam usually includes blood tests to look for another cause of your problems. You may have tests such as CT and MRI scans, which look at your brain. By themselves, these tests can't show for sure whether you have Alzheimer’s.
How is it treated?
There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are medicines that may slow it down for a while and make it easier to live with. Drugs that may be prescribed include:
Medicines to help with memory and thinking problems, such as donepezil (Aricept).
Medicines to help with help with moderate to severe confusion and memory loss, such as memantine (Namenda).
These medicines may not work for everyone or have a big effect, but most experts think they are worth a try.
As the disease gets worse, the person may get depressed or angry and upset. The doctor may also prescribe medicines to help with these problems.
How can you help your loved one with Alzheimer's disease?
If you are or will be taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s, start learning what you can expect. This can help you make the most of the person's abilities as they change, and it can help you deal with new problems as they arise.
Work with your loved one to make decisions about the future before the disease gets worse. It is important to write a living will and a durable power of attorney. A living will states the types of medical care your loved one wants. A durable power of attorney lets your loved one pick someone to be his or her health care agent. This person makes care decisions when your loved one cannot.
Your loved one will need more and more care as the disease gets worse. In time, he or she may need help to eat, get dressed, or use the bathroom. You may be able to give this care at home, or you may want to think about using a nursing home. A nursing home can give this kind of care 24 hours a day. The time may come when a nursing home is the best choice.
Because people are living longer than they used to, Alzheimer's disease is becoming a more common problem. Ask your doctor about local resources such as support groups or other groups that can help as you care for your loved one. You can also search the Internet for online support groups. Help is available.
Breast Cancer 101
Print The exact cause of breast cancer is not known. Female hormones and increasing age play a part. The chances that you will develop breast cancer increase as you age. In the United States, about 1 in every 7 women who live to be 85 will have been diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life.2
Family history also plays a role in the development of breast cancer. You are more likely to have breast cancer if your mother, father, or sister has breast cancer. Also, women who carry certain genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 are more likely to have breast and ovarian cancer. If you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, you may want to be tested for these genes. People who inherit specific changes, or mutations, in one or both of these genes have a much greater risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
Studies show that menopausal women who take hormone therapy with estrogen and progestin have an increased risk of breast cancer. Women who take estrogen alone may have a slightly increased risk.3, 4
Many people believe that only women have breast cancer. But, although rare, about 1% of all breast cancer occurs in men. Most men who have breast cancer are older than 65, but it can appear in younger men. For this reason, any breast lump in an adult man is considered abnormal.
Print The exact cause of breast cancer is not known. Female hormones and increasing age play a part. The chances that you will develop breast cancer increase as you age. In the United States, about 1 in every 7 women who live to be 85 will have been diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life.2
Family history also plays a role in the development of breast cancer. You are more likely to have breast cancer if your mother, father, or sister has breast cancer. Also, women who carry certain genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 are more likely to have breast and ovarian cancer. If you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, you may want to be tested for these genes. People who inherit specific changes, or mutations, in one or both of these genes have a much greater risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
Studies show that menopausal women who take hormone therapy with estrogen and progestin have an increased risk of breast cancer. Women who take estrogen alone may have a slightly increased risk.3, 4
Many people believe that only women have breast cancer. But, although rare, about 1% of all breast cancer occurs in men. Most men who have breast cancer are older than 65, but it can appear in younger men. For this reason, any breast lump in an adult man is considered abnormal.
Laser Resurfacing

after surgery

Laser resurfacing is usually very precise and causes little damage to the surrounding skin and tissue. It is done most often on the face, but it may be done on skin in other areas of the body. The hands, neck, and chest may be avoided because skin in these areas does not heal as well as it does in other areas. It tends to thicken and scar as a result of the laser treatment. Some surgeons are willing to treat the neck using a lower-energy laser.
Newer methods of laser resurfacing cause fewer complications and have faster recovery times. These methods include:
Fractional laser skin resurfacing, which treats microscopic columns of skin. The treated areas of the skin are surrounded by untreated areas, which results in visible improvement without much bleeding or scabbing.
Plasma skin resurfacing, which uses plasma energy to destroy the lower layers of skin but does not affect the top layer of skin. This top layer protects the lower layers of skin as they heal.
Superficial erbium:YAG laser resurfacing, which is a mild laser treatment method. This works best for minor wrinkles and other skin problems.
Infrared laser resurfacing, which targets deeper layers of the skin to smooth the skin and improve its color.
How it is done
The areas to be treated are cleaned and marked with a pen. A nerve block with a local anesthetic is usually used to numb the area before treatment. You may also be given a sedative or antianxiety medicine to help you relax. If your entire face is going to be treated, you may need stronger anesthesia (in some cases, general anesthesia), pain relievers, or sedation. You may need to wear goggles to prevent eye damage by the laser, and wet towels will be placed around the area to absorb excess laser pulses.
The laser is passed over the skin, sending out pulses. Each pulse lasts less than a millisecond. Between passes with the laser, the skin will be wiped with water or a saline solution to cool the skin and remove tissue that the laser has destroyed. The number of passes required depends on how large the area is and what type of skin is being treated. Thin skin around the eyes, for instance, requires very few passes with the laser. Thicker skin or skin with more severe lesions requires a greater number of passes.
The pulses from the laser may sting or burn slightly, or you may feel a snapping sensation against your skin. Little or no bleeding occurs in most cases, although severely damaged skin may bleed. When the treatment is finished, the area is covered with a clean dressing or ointment.
Laser resurfacing is usually done in a doctor's office or an outpatient surgery center.
What To Expect After Surgery
The time needed for healing and recovery after laser resurfacing varies according to the size and depth of the treated area. Someone who has the full face resurfaced, for example, will require a longer recovery time than someone who has only a small area of skin treated.
In general, the wounded area will be pink, tender, and swollen for at least several days. Cold packs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen) may help reduce swelling and pain. After skin regrowth occurs, the skin will remain red for several weeks.
Proper care of the treated area while the skin is healing is extremely important. This involves:
Rinsing the skin several times a day with cool tap water to avoid infection and to get rid of the crusting that sometimes develops. Soaps and perfumes should be avoided.
Changing the ointment or dressing on the treated area to keep the area moist and promote healing.
Avoiding sun exposure and, after peeling has stopped, using sunscreen every day. New skin is more susceptible to sun damage.
You may be given an antiviral drug called acyclovir to prevent infection if a large area of the skin was treated or if you have had cold sores before.
Several follow-up visits to your doctor will be needed to monitor the skin's healing and regrowth and to identify and treat early signs of infection or other complications.
Why It Is Done
Laser resurfacing may be used to remove or improve the appearance of:
Superficial scars caused by acne, surgery, or trauma that are not growing or that are getting thicker.
Color (pigment) changes or defects in the skin, such as liver spots (lentigines), port-wine stains, or café-au-lait spots.
Lesions or growths in the upper layer of skin (such as actinic keratoses, rhinophyma, or birthmarks). Any growth that could be malignant should be evaluated using a biopsy before laser resurfacing is done.
Tattoos. These are often removed using a special laser, called a Q-switched laser, that can remove specific colors from your skin.1
Unwanted hair, by using heat from the laser to destroy the opening in the skin where hair grows (hair follicles). Laser hair removal does not work well for hair that is blond or gray.
People with lighter skin who do not get a lot of sun exposure after the procedure tend to have the best results. People with darker skin may benefit from laser resurfacing, but their skin may not heal as well.
You may not be a good candidate for laser resurfacing if you:
Have had skin color changes, scarring, or thickened tissue (fibrosis) as a result of earlier treatment.
Have a skin, blood flow, or immune disorder that could make healing more difficult.
Have a history of abnormal scarring (keloid or hypertrophic scars).
Are currently using isotretinoin (such as Accutane, a drug used to treat acne) or have used it within the last 6 to 12 months. This increases the risk of scarring after the procedure.
Have a bacterial or viral infection of the skin.
How Well It Works
Your skin type, the condition of your skin, your doctor's level of experience, the type of laser used, and your lifestyle following the procedure can all affect the short-term and long-term results of laser resurfacing. Some types of skin problems or defects respond better to laser resurfacing than others. People with lighter skin who limit their sun exposure after the procedure tend to have better results than those with darker skin and those who continue to spend lots of time in the sun.
In general, laser resurfacing tends to have good results with fairly low risks.
Wrinkles caused by aging and long-term sun exposure, such as those around the eyes and mouth, respond well to laser resurfacing. The long-term results of laser treatment for these types of wrinkles are unknown. Keep in mind that new wrinkles will probably appear as your skin continues to age.
Wrinkles caused by repeated movement and muscle use (such as those on the forehead or along the sides of the nose) may be improved but not eliminated. They often come back months or years after treatment because the muscles continue to perform the activities that caused the wrinkles before treatment.
Mild or moderate acne scars may be somewhat improved. Laser treatment is less effective on severe acne scars.
Tattoos can usually be completely or almost completely erased with 4 to 10 sessions of laser treatment over several weeks or months. In some cases, treatment changes the color of the skin. In rare cases, laser treatment may make the ink in the tattoo darker and harder to remove.
The long-term results of laser treatment may not be evident for several months.
Side effects and risks of laser resurfacing may include:
Swelling, itching, crusting, and tenderness. These are expected, temporary effects of laser resurfacing.
Redness (erythema). Normally this lasts 6 to 12 weeks, but it may last up to 6 months in some people. Some people may turn red or flush during stress or exertion more easily than they used to, for up to a year.
Color (pigment) changes in the skin. In 30% to 40% of people, especially those with darker skin tones, the treated skin is darker than the surrounding skin.2 Bleaching or peeling of the skin can help lighten the skin for a more uniform skin tone, and the skin may fade on its own over time. A small number of people have a loss of color in the treated skin 6 to 12 months after the procedure. This effect may be permanent, especially with deeper laser treatments.
Skin irritation, including acne flare-ups in people who are prone to acne.
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infection of the skin. Infection may affect the rest of the body also.
Scarring (rare). Scarring may be improved with medicine.
A condition in which the edge of the eyelid rolls outward and exposes the inside of the eyelid (ectropion). This is a rare but serious complication of laser treatment in the eye area. Surgery is sometimes needed to correct it. It is more likely to occur in people who have a loose lower eyelid or who have had surgery on their lower eyelids (blepharoplasty).
What To Think About
Laser resurfacing first injures or wounds the skin and then destroys the top layers. You need to prepare yourself for how your skin will look immediately after treatment and throughout the healing process. It is also extremely important for you to follow your doctor's instructions on caring for your skin after the treatment, so you can avoid infection and help your skin heal.
Be sure that your doctor understands what you hope to achieve and that you understand what results you can realistically expect. Even with realistic expectations, you may not see results for several weeks or months after laser resurfacing. You may need more than one treatment to achieve the results you want.
Sun protection
After laser resurfacing, you will need to wear sunscreen every day and avoid sun exposure as much as possible. New skin is more susceptible to damage and discoloration from sunlight.
Options for resurfacing
Laser resurfacing, chemical peel, and dermabrasion are the most commonly used techniques for improving the texture and appearance of the skin. Although these techniques use different methods, they have basically the same effect on the skin: they destroy and remove the upper layers of skin to allow for skin regrowth.
No one technique is necessarily better than the others. When performed by an experienced surgeon, laser resurfacing may be slightly more precise than chemical peels or dermabrasion. But the choice of technique is based on the site you want to treat, your skin type and condition, the doctor's experience, your preferences, and other factors. Some people may get the best results by using a combination of techniques
Monday, August 30, 2010
Parental Misuses Of Medication Puts Children At Risk
Widespread Parental Misuse of Medication Puts Children at Risk
By Alyssa Sparacino Aug 30th 2010 1:53PM
Widespread Parental Misuse of Medication Puts Children at Risk
By Alyssa Sparacino Aug 30th 2010 1:53PM
Categories: News
Many children are taking greater doses of over-the-counter medicine than is safely recommended, and parents and child-care employees could be unintentionally to blame, new research finds.
Lead researcher Dr. Rebekah Moles, of the University of Sydney in New South Wales, says that both errors in judgment surrounding proper dosage and the types of medicine resulted in a large amount of emergency medical center visits in Australia.
The findings, which will be presented today at the annual meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, show that not only were children being overmedicated, but they were also sometimes given the inappropriate type of medicine by parents and other caregivers.
"We were surprised and concerned to find that some people thought that medicines must be safe because you can buy them without prescription," Moles says in a news release.
A similar study was conducted in the U.S. in 2008 and found that improper dosing of medication sends about 7,000 children in this country to the hospital each year.
Ninety-seven adults -- parents and day-care staff -- were followed for five months as well as participating children between the ages of 4 and 5. Several scenarios were presented, such as describing a child's symptoms as feeling hot and seeming irritable while still eating, drinking and playing normally. Then the adults were given several common over-the-counter medicines, and were asked how they would handle the situation.
The adults recorded if and at what stage the children would receive the medicine, what type and how much they would be given.
The researchers say after combining the results from all the scenarios, 44 percent of adults would have given an inaccurate dose, as only 64 percent were able to correctly measure the dose they intended to give the child.
Sixty-one percent of the time, adults would have given the kids Tylenol to treat coughs, colds and fevers, regardless of whether or not a fever was present, findings show. Only 14 percent of professional childcare workers were able to handle fevers appropriately.
The youngest children seemed to be most greatly affected, as 80 percent of those overdoses were related to those under 3.
"Given these figures and our findings, there is an urgent need to review the use of children's OTC medicines by parents," Moles says in a new release. "However, the most important thing is to improve carers' understanding of when and how to give medication."
"It is vital that parents worldwide should understand the proper usage of medicines so that they do not continue to put their children's health at risk,"
Categories: News
Many children are taking greater doses of over-the-counter medicine than is safely recommended, and parents and child-care employees could be unintentionally to blame, new research finds.
Lead researcher Dr. Rebekah Moles, of the University of Sydney in New South Wales, says that both errors in judgment surrounding proper dosage and the types of medicine resulted in a large amount of emergency medical center visits in Australia.
The findings, which will be presented today at the annual meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, show that not only were children being overmedicated, but they were also sometimes given the inappropriate type of medicine by parents and other caregivers.
"We were surprised and concerned to find that some people thought that medicines must be safe because you can buy them without prescription," Moles says in a news release.
A similar study was conducted in the U.S. in 2008 and found that improper dosing of medication sends about 7,000 children in this country to the hospital each year.
Ninety-seven adults -- parents and day-care staff -- were followed for five months as well as participating children between the ages of 4 and 5. Several scenarios were presented, such as describing a child's symptoms as feeling hot and seeming irritable while still eating, drinking and playing normally. Then the adults were given several common over-the-counter medicines, and were asked how they would handle the situation.
The adults recorded if and at what stage the children would receive the medicine, what type and how much they would be given.
The researchers say after combining the results from all the scenarios, 44 percent of adults would have given an inaccurate dose, as only 64 percent were able to correctly measure the dose they intended to give the child.
Sixty-one percent of the time, adults would have given the kids Tylenol to treat coughs, colds and fevers, regardless of whether or not a fever was present, findings show. Only 14 percent of professional childcare workers were able to handle fevers appropriately.
The youngest children seemed to be most greatly affected, as 80 percent of those overdoses were related to those under 3.
"Given these figures and our findings, there is an urgent need to review the use of children's OTC medicines by parents," Moles says in a new release. "However, the most important thing is to improve carers' understanding of when and how to give medication."
"It is vital that parents worldwide should understand the proper usage of medicines so that they do not continue to put their children's health at risk,"
By Alyssa Sparacino Aug 30th 2010 1:53PM
Widespread Parental Misuse of Medication Puts Children at Risk
By Alyssa Sparacino Aug 30th 2010 1:53PM
Categories: News
Many children are taking greater doses of over-the-counter medicine than is safely recommended, and parents and child-care employees could be unintentionally to blame, new research finds.
Lead researcher Dr. Rebekah Moles, of the University of Sydney in New South Wales, says that both errors in judgment surrounding proper dosage and the types of medicine resulted in a large amount of emergency medical center visits in Australia.
The findings, which will be presented today at the annual meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, show that not only were children being overmedicated, but they were also sometimes given the inappropriate type of medicine by parents and other caregivers.
"We were surprised and concerned to find that some people thought that medicines must be safe because you can buy them without prescription," Moles says in a news release.
A similar study was conducted in the U.S. in 2008 and found that improper dosing of medication sends about 7,000 children in this country to the hospital each year.
Ninety-seven adults -- parents and day-care staff -- were followed for five months as well as participating children between the ages of 4 and 5. Several scenarios were presented, such as describing a child's symptoms as feeling hot and seeming irritable while still eating, drinking and playing normally. Then the adults were given several common over-the-counter medicines, and were asked how they would handle the situation.
The adults recorded if and at what stage the children would receive the medicine, what type and how much they would be given.
The researchers say after combining the results from all the scenarios, 44 percent of adults would have given an inaccurate dose, as only 64 percent were able to correctly measure the dose they intended to give the child.
Sixty-one percent of the time, adults would have given the kids Tylenol to treat coughs, colds and fevers, regardless of whether or not a fever was present, findings show. Only 14 percent of professional childcare workers were able to handle fevers appropriately.
The youngest children seemed to be most greatly affected, as 80 percent of those overdoses were related to those under 3.
"Given these figures and our findings, there is an urgent need to review the use of children's OTC medicines by parents," Moles says in a new release. "However, the most important thing is to improve carers' understanding of when and how to give medication."
"It is vital that parents worldwide should understand the proper usage of medicines so that they do not continue to put their children's health at risk,"
Categories: News
Many children are taking greater doses of over-the-counter medicine than is safely recommended, and parents and child-care employees could be unintentionally to blame, new research finds.
Lead researcher Dr. Rebekah Moles, of the University of Sydney in New South Wales, says that both errors in judgment surrounding proper dosage and the types of medicine resulted in a large amount of emergency medical center visits in Australia.
The findings, which will be presented today at the annual meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, show that not only were children being overmedicated, but they were also sometimes given the inappropriate type of medicine by parents and other caregivers.
"We were surprised and concerned to find that some people thought that medicines must be safe because you can buy them without prescription," Moles says in a news release.
A similar study was conducted in the U.S. in 2008 and found that improper dosing of medication sends about 7,000 children in this country to the hospital each year.
Ninety-seven adults -- parents and day-care staff -- were followed for five months as well as participating children between the ages of 4 and 5. Several scenarios were presented, such as describing a child's symptoms as feeling hot and seeming irritable while still eating, drinking and playing normally. Then the adults were given several common over-the-counter medicines, and were asked how they would handle the situation.
The adults recorded if and at what stage the children would receive the medicine, what type and how much they would be given.
The researchers say after combining the results from all the scenarios, 44 percent of adults would have given an inaccurate dose, as only 64 percent were able to correctly measure the dose they intended to give the child.
Sixty-one percent of the time, adults would have given the kids Tylenol to treat coughs, colds and fevers, regardless of whether or not a fever was present, findings show. Only 14 percent of professional childcare workers were able to handle fevers appropriately.
The youngest children seemed to be most greatly affected, as 80 percent of those overdoses were related to those under 3.
"Given these figures and our findings, there is an urgent need to review the use of children's OTC medicines by parents," Moles says in a new release. "However, the most important thing is to improve carers' understanding of when and how to give medication."
"It is vital that parents worldwide should understand the proper usage of medicines so that they do not continue to put their children's health at risk,"
Health during Pregnancy
Exercising regularly and being emotionally well will bring major benefits during your preconception period and beyond. The best way to make sure that you are eating well during pregnancy is to make healthy eating a habit before you conceive. Also, your growing and changing shape makes it important to alter the way you perform a number of everyday tasks and movements. Some risks to health are unavoidable, but others are within control like the use of alcohol and other
Make-up Tips For Fitness Model
Make-up tips for Fitness Models
As a female physique model, proper make-up selection and application is one of the most critical aspects involved in one's presentation. A model must learn appropriate application techniques for stage make-up, as the lighting is extremely bright and hot, and the make-up can bleed and/or wear off easily if it's not a quality brand that hasn't been applied properly.
Color selection is also extremely important due to the lighting. The color should blend well with the skin after the tanning product has been applied, and matching the shades is often a difficult process. Fitness models encounter similar difficulties when preparing for guest appearances, endorsements, and photo shoots.
In addition to make-up techniques, proper skin care year-round helps models to look their best for the many appearances and events they encounter. To clear up any confusion that you may have, check out the make-up tips listed below
Base color selection is extremely important due to stage lighting. The color should closely match the skin after the tanning product has been applied to the body. To find the right shade, you should always test a few shades on your jaw line or cheek. The correct shade should literally disappear into the skin and blend with the skin tone of the neck rather than the face. Also, it is best to test it in natural light. The goal of foundation is to even out the skin tone. The right shade makes the skin look smooth and flawless.
When applying a tanning solution to the face area, make sure there is a red tone to the base color. You should stop added tanning solution to facial areas approximately one shade lighter then your final tan.
Each and every person has features that are more attractive than others. The two most expressive on the face are the lips and eyes. Choose to emphasize whichever one you receive the most compliments on.
Emphasizing lips- You can line your lips and then use the liner to color in the whole lip area, apply lipstick, powder lips, apply lipstick again and then do any liner touch up needed. This gives you long lasting lipstick without drying out your lips. Also outline your lips with a lip outliner to keep lipstick/liner from running and feathering while giving your lips a fuller look.
Emphasizing eyes- Powder your lashes with your lightest eye shadow shade or a loose powder, apply a brown mascara for fullness, then apply black only on the tips for length.
The whole trick to getting your make up to remain on longer through the day comes down to the how much powder are you using to actually lock in the makeup. Also, a way to help eliminate this endless evaporating nightmare is to actually find a product that focuses on maintaining longer wear and resists creasing that can occur throughout the day from natural oil secretion.
The right choice of colors and proper application is very important. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you are confident in yourself and you will do a better job.
As a female physique model, proper make-up selection and application is one of the most critical aspects involved in one's presentation. A model must learn appropriate application techniques for stage make-up, as the lighting is extremely bright and hot, and the make-up can bleed and/or wear off easily if it's not a quality brand that hasn't been applied properly.
Color selection is also extremely important due to the lighting. The color should blend well with the skin after the tanning product has been applied, and matching the shades is often a difficult process. Fitness models encounter similar difficulties when preparing for guest appearances, endorsements, and photo shoots.
In addition to make-up techniques, proper skin care year-round helps models to look their best for the many appearances and events they encounter. To clear up any confusion that you may have, check out the make-up tips listed below
Base color selection is extremely important due to stage lighting. The color should closely match the skin after the tanning product has been applied to the body. To find the right shade, you should always test a few shades on your jaw line or cheek. The correct shade should literally disappear into the skin and blend with the skin tone of the neck rather than the face. Also, it is best to test it in natural light. The goal of foundation is to even out the skin tone. The right shade makes the skin look smooth and flawless.
When applying a tanning solution to the face area, make sure there is a red tone to the base color. You should stop added tanning solution to facial areas approximately one shade lighter then your final tan.
Each and every person has features that are more attractive than others. The two most expressive on the face are the lips and eyes. Choose to emphasize whichever one you receive the most compliments on.
Emphasizing lips- You can line your lips and then use the liner to color in the whole lip area, apply lipstick, powder lips, apply lipstick again and then do any liner touch up needed. This gives you long lasting lipstick without drying out your lips. Also outline your lips with a lip outliner to keep lipstick/liner from running and feathering while giving your lips a fuller look.
Emphasizing eyes- Powder your lashes with your lightest eye shadow shade or a loose powder, apply a brown mascara for fullness, then apply black only on the tips for length.
The whole trick to getting your make up to remain on longer through the day comes down to the how much powder are you using to actually lock in the makeup. Also, a way to help eliminate this endless evaporating nightmare is to actually find a product that focuses on maintaining longer wear and resists creasing that can occur throughout the day from natural oil secretion.
The right choice of colors and proper application is very important. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you are confident in yourself and you will do a better job.
To Maintain Your Over Weight
Easy Health System To Maintain Your Over Weight
by: Nishu
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Stomach Stapling And Gastric Banding
Stomach Stapling and Gastric Banding
by: Bruce Kimball
Although not the most holistic of approaches (ha ha) many people turn to the option of restrictive operations or those operations that make the stomach smaller such as stapling and gastric bands for an answer to losing the excess weight. The surgeries make you full a lot quicker than you are used to and the smaller portion sizes and different foods that you eat after such a procedure help you lose weight. The most common restrictive surgery is called adjustable gastric banding. The surgery involves a small band which is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch. The small size of the pouch means that you feel full sooner than before. The band can be adjusted in size by inflating or deflating the band which allows your doctor to adjust the size of the opening between the pouch and the stomach. These procedures can be done by making a large incision in the abdomen (an open procedure) or by laproscopic instruments and a camera to guide the surgery.
Another option is stomach stapling, also called vertical banded gastroplasty, where an incision is made in the abdomen. Surgical staples and a plastic band create a small pouch at the top of the stomach which is not completely closed off from the rest of the stomach. The small opening, about 0.25 inches across, allows the partially digested food to move into the rest of the stomach and then the intestines allowing you to eat only 0.5c up to 1 cup of food.
After the surgery is done, most people return to their normal activities within 3 to 5 weeks. Preliminary studies have shown that gastric banding is associated with a short hospital stay, fast recovery, and low risk of complications. After such operations, you must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full which is likely after 1 cup of food is eaten. If you do not chew your food well or do not stop eating soon enough, you may feel discomfort or nausea and may sometimes vomit. If you continually overeat, the pouch may stretch and you will not benefit from your surgery.
Tring to lose weight? Theres so many diets out there its hard to know which one to choose.� Thats why taken the work out of it for you, by reveiwing them all here. Find out which diet is right for you by visiting
by: Bruce Kimball
Although not the most holistic of approaches (ha ha) many people turn to the option of restrictive operations or those operations that make the stomach smaller such as stapling and gastric bands for an answer to losing the excess weight. The surgeries make you full a lot quicker than you are used to and the smaller portion sizes and different foods that you eat after such a procedure help you lose weight. The most common restrictive surgery is called adjustable gastric banding. The surgery involves a small band which is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch. The small size of the pouch means that you feel full sooner than before. The band can be adjusted in size by inflating or deflating the band which allows your doctor to adjust the size of the opening between the pouch and the stomach. These procedures can be done by making a large incision in the abdomen (an open procedure) or by laproscopic instruments and a camera to guide the surgery.
Another option is stomach stapling, also called vertical banded gastroplasty, where an incision is made in the abdomen. Surgical staples and a plastic band create a small pouch at the top of the stomach which is not completely closed off from the rest of the stomach. The small opening, about 0.25 inches across, allows the partially digested food to move into the rest of the stomach and then the intestines allowing you to eat only 0.5c up to 1 cup of food.
After the surgery is done, most people return to their normal activities within 3 to 5 weeks. Preliminary studies have shown that gastric banding is associated with a short hospital stay, fast recovery, and low risk of complications. After such operations, you must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full which is likely after 1 cup of food is eaten. If you do not chew your food well or do not stop eating soon enough, you may feel discomfort or nausea and may sometimes vomit. If you continually overeat, the pouch may stretch and you will not benefit from your surgery.
Tring to lose weight? Theres so many diets out there its hard to know which one to choose.� Thats why taken the work out of it for you, by reveiwing them all here. Find out which diet is right for you by visiting
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
beauty of eyes
Eye Care
Eyes are the most highly developed of all the sense organs. They need proper care and attention particularly as they are constantly exposed to dirt, dust, pollution, smoky atmosphere. Abusing your eyes by letting them become over-tired can result in headaches.
Avoid using too much of eye drops, rather it is better to squeeze fresh cucumber juice into your eyes.
Don't read in poor light; the light should come from behind or above rather than from the front.
Don't read for more than two hours at a stretch. Give a rest in between to your eyes for 10 min by putting the palms of your hands over them and shutting out the light.
Keep the use of eye creams to minimum and be careful not to get them into your eyes. If you do, wash your eyes immediately with warm water
Make sure to remove all traces of eye make up before going to best for it might cause infection in the roots of eyelashes
Your sleep pattern should be composed of at least 7 hrs
Eyes are the most highly developed of all the sense organs. They need proper care and attention particularly as they are constantly exposed to dirt, dust, pollution, smoky atmosphere. Abusing your eyes by letting them become over-tired can result in headaches.
Avoid using too much of eye drops, rather it is better to squeeze fresh cucumber juice into your eyes.
Don't read in poor light; the light should come from behind or above rather than from the front.
Don't read for more than two hours at a stretch. Give a rest in between to your eyes for 10 min by putting the palms of your hands over them and shutting out the light.
Keep the use of eye creams to minimum and be careful not to get them into your eyes. If you do, wash your eyes immediately with warm water
Make sure to remove all traces of eye make up before going to best for it might cause infection in the roots of eyelashes
Your sleep pattern should be composed of at least 7 hrs
Glamour Health & Fitness Print E-Mail Feeds Share Yahoo! Buzz7 Free Ways to Stay Well
No matter how tight your budget, you should never have to skimp on something as important as your body. Here, how to feel great but pay nada.
October 1, 2008 by Aina Hunter and Angela BlackMore about women's health
Need to De-Stress Fast? 3 TV and Radio Voices That Have Calming Powers
5 Myths About Living With a Disability From One Incredibly Inspirational Woman
Go Ahead, Call in Sick! The #1 Day When It Makes Most Sense to Take a Mental Health Day
The Smart, Easy, Free Weight Loss Trick You've Got to Try: Researchers Say It Works
Afternoon Snack: Tea From a Bag or a Bottle--Guess Which Has More Antioxidants Even if you have primo coverage, health care can be pricey; 33 percent of insured young women say they have skipped seeing a doctor, filling a prescription, going to a specialist or taking a recommended medical test because of the cost, according to data from the Commonwealth Fund, a health policy research group. And the bills are even scarier for the one in four women under 30 who have no insurance. But there’s plenty of free health care out there that too few of us know about or take advantage of. And many of these zero-cost things not only cut your risk of disease but also keep your body humming along, far away from a doctor’s office. It’s crazy not to try these tips!
Pare Down Your Bedroom
Minimal doesn’t just look chic in your bedroom—it’s healthy, too. Froufy pillows and other extras—like stacks of books and magazines, stuffed animals and knickknacks—are “dust mite breeding grounds,” says Beth Corn, M.D., an allergy immunologist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Those microscopic mites are one of the most common causes of indoor allergies, so if you simplify your decor, you may not have to shell out the cash for over-the-counter or prescription allergy meds, says Dr. Corn. Another surprising allergy buster: keeping your windows shut at night. Sensitivity to ragweed, leaf molds and other outdoor fall allergens can leave you stuffed up too.
Fire Up YouTube
Why buy the latest fitness DVD or pony up for a gym membership when you’ve got the Internet? There are thousands of free workout videos on YouTube—we like “15-Minute Abs Workout,” by sparkpeople.com and the tough “Bikini Body Circuit Workout,” by diet.com. For a full list of our favorites, go to glamour.com/magazine. Shameless plug: Our own online Body by Glamour program has free workouts for your MP3 player too.
Drink Tap Water
Sipping H2O protects organs and tissues and helps keep your energy up. Experts say most of us drink enough—but we’re paying out the wazoo for it! Beverage industry data show that the average American bought 29 gallons of bottled water last year—about four 20-ounce bottles a week. That means we’re spending around $300 a year for H2O that often isn’t much different than what comes out of your faucet, says Peter Black, Ph.D., a water expert at the State University of New York in Syracuse.
Measure Your Waist
You don’t necessarily need a $200 session with a specialist to determine your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Multiple studies show that having too much belly fat is one of the strongest indicators of these and other potential health problems, says Nieca Goldberg, M.D., medical director of New York University’s Women’s Heart Program. Simply wrap a tape measure around your waist at belly button level; anything 35 inches or more means increased risk. The most efficient way to burn off excess belly fat? Doing 45 to 60 minutes of heart-pumping cardio (fast walking—also free—works fine) at least three times a week.
No matter how tight your budget, you should never have to skimp on something as important as your body. Here, how to feel great but pay nada.
October 1, 2008 by Aina Hunter and Angela BlackMore about women's health
Need to De-Stress Fast? 3 TV and Radio Voices That Have Calming Powers
5 Myths About Living With a Disability From One Incredibly Inspirational Woman
Go Ahead, Call in Sick! The #1 Day When It Makes Most Sense to Take a Mental Health Day
The Smart, Easy, Free Weight Loss Trick You've Got to Try: Researchers Say It Works
Afternoon Snack: Tea From a Bag or a Bottle--Guess Which Has More Antioxidants Even if you have primo coverage, health care can be pricey; 33 percent of insured young women say they have skipped seeing a doctor, filling a prescription, going to a specialist or taking a recommended medical test because of the cost, according to data from the Commonwealth Fund, a health policy research group. And the bills are even scarier for the one in four women under 30 who have no insurance. But there’s plenty of free health care out there that too few of us know about or take advantage of. And many of these zero-cost things not only cut your risk of disease but also keep your body humming along, far away from a doctor’s office. It’s crazy not to try these tips!
Pare Down Your Bedroom
Minimal doesn’t just look chic in your bedroom—it’s healthy, too. Froufy pillows and other extras—like stacks of books and magazines, stuffed animals and knickknacks—are “dust mite breeding grounds,” says Beth Corn, M.D., an allergy immunologist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Those microscopic mites are one of the most common causes of indoor allergies, so if you simplify your decor, you may not have to shell out the cash for over-the-counter or prescription allergy meds, says Dr. Corn. Another surprising allergy buster: keeping your windows shut at night. Sensitivity to ragweed, leaf molds and other outdoor fall allergens can leave you stuffed up too.
Fire Up YouTube
Why buy the latest fitness DVD or pony up for a gym membership when you’ve got the Internet? There are thousands of free workout videos on YouTube—we like “15-Minute Abs Workout,” by sparkpeople.com and the tough “Bikini Body Circuit Workout,” by diet.com. For a full list of our favorites, go to glamour.com/magazine. Shameless plug: Our own online Body by Glamour program has free workouts for your MP3 player too.
Drink Tap Water
Sipping H2O protects organs and tissues and helps keep your energy up. Experts say most of us drink enough—but we’re paying out the wazoo for it! Beverage industry data show that the average American bought 29 gallons of bottled water last year—about four 20-ounce bottles a week. That means we’re spending around $300 a year for H2O that often isn’t much different than what comes out of your faucet, says Peter Black, Ph.D., a water expert at the State University of New York in Syracuse.
Measure Your Waist
You don’t necessarily need a $200 session with a specialist to determine your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Multiple studies show that having too much belly fat is one of the strongest indicators of these and other potential health problems, says Nieca Goldberg, M.D., medical director of New York University’s Women’s Heart Program. Simply wrap a tape measure around your waist at belly button level; anything 35 inches or more means increased risk. The most efficient way to burn off excess belly fat? Doing 45 to 60 minutes of heart-pumping cardio (fast walking—also free—works fine) at least three times a week.
youga for body fitness
Begin in Tadasana, Mountain Pose
Inhale the right arm up keeping it rooted in the shoulder socket but extending through the finger tips.
Bend the left arm so the elbow is close in to the body and the finger tips are away from the body, palm faces the sky.
Engage the muscles of your right leg as you bend the left leg behind you and catch the inside of your foot with your left hand.
Draw both knees together while keeping the tailbone tucked.
Exhale, press your left foot into your hand extending from the left top thigh. As the leg raises begin to hinge at your hips bringing your upper body parallel to the ground.
Allow the heart to melt as the left hip bone and shoulder softens and surrenders.
Reach through the ball mounds of your left foot as your upper body reaches forward.
Find the arch in the spine to be equal through out by extending though the heart and rooting the tailbone down, away from the body.
To release: Exhale, come back through standing and repeat on the other side.
Benefits: Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and arms, reduces abdominal fat, Helps manage anorexia. Good for posture and natal care. Helps in healing tennis elbow and frozen shoulder
Sexy summer style
The ideal summer look is effortlessly chic. Try one of these fabulous yet simple styles that leave plenty of time to enjoy the sun - because summer beauty means less fuss and more
The discovery that a baby is expected is one of the life's most exciting moment. Diet and exercise, and giving up cigarettes and alcohol, are now considered as important as a part of prenatal care as medical checkups. This section provides the basic information about fitness and well-being during pregnancy, labor, birth and after delivery
The ideal summer look is effortlessly chic. Try one of these fabulous yet simple styles that leave plenty of time to enjoy the sun - because summer beauty means less fuss and more
Fertility & Pregnancy Awareness
The discovery that a baby is expected is one of the life's most exciting moment. Diet and exercise, and giving up cigarettes and alcohol, are now considered as important as a part of prenatal care as medical checkups. This section provides the basic information about fitness and well-being during pregnancy, labor, birth and after delivery
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Monday, August 2, 2010
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