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Friday, September 3, 2010

Frequent Vaginal Yeast Infections

Frequent Vaginal Yeast Infections - You Don't Need To Put Up With Them

By: Stephania Plues

Chronic yeast infections are not a life threatening infection, but if they are not treated correctly they can destroy someone's health very quickly. The trouble with recurrent yeast infections is almost all sufferers have no idea why they are suffering or how to treat them. Once there is a full understanding of the condition then the treatment can become a success, and the sufferer can put an end to this bad time in their life.

The most important thing to do when you're experiencing any symptoms that resemble yeast overgrowth is to see your doctor. So many women self diagnose their own infection and get it wrong, and they find out its another infection. Your doctor is the only person that can give you a correct diagnosis because there are a few infections that have the same symptoms as Candida overgrowth.

Yeast infections are caused by an organism known as Candida Albicans. It lives in your body harmlessly until it grows out of control and mutates into a fungus, and then it starts causing your symptoms such as itching and discharge. Many women can use an anti fungal drug to kill the fungus and then they are cured, but for some unfortunate women the infection comes back. This is when recurrent yeast infections begin.

Most doctors don't understand the true nature of fungal overgrowth in the human body, and they can sometimes make fungal infections worse. To keep on killing the fungus with prescription drugs only for them to come back is not good for you. This is the quickest way to create a drug resistant infection that becomes extremely difficult to cure.

If you're not suffering from anything that is weakening your immune system then there is no reason why you can't cure your chronic infections. All you need to do is stop the infection at the cause rather than just keep on treating the symptoms. Fungal overgrowth is a symptom of the mutating Candida, so you must stop the Candida mutating to cure your infections.

Recurrent yeast infections can be a sign that you're suffering from intestinal fungus. Your body's natural defenses are controlled from your intestines so this is where you need to start rebuilding them.

Once you stop the Candida mutating you'll be infection free, and your health will return to the way it once was. Your health will slowly get destroyed from the inside if you leave the cause of your infections untreated

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