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Friday, September 3, 2010

If Your Yeast Infection Keeps Coming Back You Need To Treat It Differently

If Your Yeast Infection Keeps Coming Back You Need To Treat It Differently

By: Stephania Plues

Your yeast infection won't go away because you're only treating the symptoms of your infection, and you're leaving the cause of the infection untreated. The fungus that is feeding on your skin cells and causing the itching is just a symptom of a larger infection in your body. The fungus comes from the Candida yeast that lives in you all the time. To make your yeast infection go away you must stop the Candida from mutating.

If you continue to use anti fungal drugs to cure an infection that keeps coming back you're going to create a drug resistant infection. Fungus breeds in your intestines as well as on the outside of your body, and a yeast infection with bloating is the first sign of internal fungus.

it's a good idea to go and see your doctor if you're suffering from recurrent infections. First of all, you want to be sure that you actually treating a yeast infection and it's not another vaginal infection that won't go away.

If you're suffering from something else then the treatment you're using will be useless against it, and you could end up creating a yeast infection on top of the infection you already have. Your doctor can also make sure that you have no underlying health problems that are weakening your immune system such as diabetes.

If you know you have a yeast infection then you can start treating it from the root cause. It's time to stop treating the symptoms with anti fungal drugs, and now is the time to start strengthening your body from the inside so you can stop the Candida from mutating. This is the only thing you can do to cure your yeast infection.

Your body is more than capable of keeping the Candida under control an preventing it from mutating once you strengthen your body's natural defenses. As you're strengthening your body's natural defenses you also need to kill the fungus without the use of any drugs. The exposure you have already given the Candida and fungus is already creating an infection that is becoming drug resistant, and it doesn't take much exposure to make it fully resistant.

If you want to cure your yeast infection in the shortest time possible then the help from an expert is going to be beneficial to your health. The fungus feeds in your body as well as the outside so it will eventually destroy your health if you leave it breeding in there for too long

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